
Clean Plastic Finland Oy

Versatile experience in the plastics industry - most of CPF's personnel have long and versatile experience in various tasks in the plastics industry.
The production unit located in Merikarvia represents the latest technology and innovative solutions in plastic recycling. A versatile pre-treatment department and modern washing and recycling equipment make it possible to take the properties of recycled plastic to a new, higher level. Modern technology also enables the production of customer-oriented plastic raw materials.

The facility operates in three uninterrupted shifts, its structure and technology are designed in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, including a completely closed water cycle and comprehensive energy recovery.

"The reason behind the founding of CPF in 2018 was that the plastics industry would be able to use more recycled raw material if its quality was better, and we are trying to address that problem, because the Finnish plastics industry deserves better."
- says the company's founding partner Mika Tuomisaari.